How much of your day and energy is spent improving yourself rather than proving yourself?


#Wisdomcards - How much energy and time each day do you spend "proving yourself" - proving yourself at work (that you're a good, loyal, dedicated employee), proving that you're a good parent, proving that you're "enough"...It's exhausting, draining, and counterproductive.

I'll write more in the coming days about the latest McKinsey & Company/ #womenintheworkplace report as it has made me both sad and angry. One of the findings is that women are feeling as though they have to be ‘always on', and are having difficulty sharing with their teammates or managers the challenges they are facing. Having employees feel that they have to continually prove themselves, versus knowing they have the support they require to not only do their job but to grow and thrive during this time is one of the most critical imperatives facing companies at the moment.

#leadership #employee #employeeexperience #women #success #personaldevelopment #equality #diversity #inclusion #belonging